Sunday 23 July 2017

How to gain weight naturally for skinny people.

How to gain weight?

 With so many people talking about weight loss around us, it is really tough for skinny people to find out the right information about how to gain some muscle mass and not to look underweight any more. Well, eating lots of junk and processed foods may increase your weight to some extent, but it is certainly not the healthy method. In order to gain some healthy weight, you must follow a healthy diet plan.
 A proper weight gain diet should be a combination of lots of carbs, proteins and healthy fats. Here is the ultimate weight gain diet plan for Indian people that would help them look plumper and that too in a healthy way. You can choose from the following mixtures as and how you like.

Early Morning / Before Breakfast

.A glass milk with whole ripe bananas and 10 pieces of almonds with peel (should be soaked overnight in plain water)
.white portions of 2 eggs and 6 to 7 pieces of overnight soaked almonds with peel


.Slices of omelet toasted breads.
.2 multi-grain breads with butter and 1 egg omelet.
.2 to 3 fresh seasonal fruits and a glass full of fresh fruit juice.
.2 plain chapattis and 1 small bowl of vegetables.
.Paratha and plain curd.

Mid-Morning / After Breakfast

.Some fresh fruits and 1 glass of butter milk, plain lassi or coconut water.
.1 glass of full-fat milk.


.2 small bowls of plain rice, 2 medium-sized chapattis with ghee spread over them, 1 small bowl of dal, 2 small bowls of wet vegetable curry, 2 medium-sized pieces of chicken / fish, 1 plate of green salad.
.1 small bowl of pulav or briyani, 1 small bowl of egg or paneer, 1 small bowl of vegetables and 1 bowl of chicken soup.

Evening / Afternoon Snacking

.1 cup coffee or tea with cookies
.1 glass banana shake and 2 biscuits

Mid Evening / Pre-Dinner

.1 grilled sandwich and some dry-fruits.
.1 bowl of vegetable, chicken soup and 1 veg sandwich.


.3 medium-sized chapattis with ghee spread over them, 1 small bowl of dal, 1 small bowl of dry vegetable curry, 1 small bowl of chicken or fish, 1 small bowl of curd.

Late Night / Bedtime

.1 glass full of warm milk with 1 teaspoon of raw honey and a pinch of turmeric added to it.

So, just follow this diet chart and exercise in a regular manner. You will be able to reach your goal successfully just within a few months. Make sure that you are consistent and follow the same eating pattern in order to get the best results.

Your hard work will surely give you success. So, work hard and eat healthy and exercise regularly.
This diet works great for Indians.

how to eat a balanced diet ?

Why do we need to have a healthy diet?

Experts often tell us the importance of having good balanced diet for good health. But people always want to know, what a balanced diet is? It is very important to know what we have to eat in order to have a balanced diet and why we need to have a balanced diet ?
Remember that your health is in your hands. Keep yourself motivated to be healthy and have a balanced diet. You may have to deal with some brave calls on the food that you have but just focus on getting healthy, which should be your main goal.

Why balanced diet?

1.     Prevents diseases and infections
A well-balanced diet helps our body fight various diseases and infections. When you have a healthy diet, the immune system functions in a better way and helps in prevention of infections and reduces the risk of diseases like cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure and also heart disease.

2.     Helps in control of weight
     Being overweight and underweight is both not good for health. So having a healthy balanced diet helps solve this problem by some extend.

3.     Helps to maintain good mental health
Eating a well-balanced diet helps in good functioning of brain, enhances memory and reduces the risk of mental disorders.

4.     Promotes healthy body growth
Having healthy diet does not only keep you fit and prevent diseases but also helps the body to grow. So it is very important for growing children and adolescents to have a balanced diet as their growing body needs some healthy food.

How to eat balanced diet?

1.     Eat at least five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. If you can, try to include more. It is said that only a small number of the population reach the full five.

2.     Cut down your sugar and saturated fat intake.

3.     Drink plenty of water, six to eight glasses daily are the recommended.

4.     Aim for at least two portions of fish every week.

5.     Reduce your salt intake. It is advised to eat no more than 6g a day. Avoid as much as possible.

6.     Always eat breakfast, it gives you energy for the day.

7.     Use starchy foods as the base of your meals. These act as your fuel for the day.

8.     Get active. Adults aged 19 - 64 are required to conduct 150 minutes moderate exercise a week. Try a brisk walk for 30 minutes daily.

You can always live in a healthy way without compromising on your favourite foods, but you just need to reduce on how much and how often you eat them. Follow these simple golden rules on how to eat a healthy diet and live a good healthy life.
